Thursday, January 16

Important Steps to Get Rid of Rust in Garage Door

A garage door acts as the first impression of the entire house. Even a little scratch or rust in it may fade up its beauty. Rusts are most common in metals used in garage doors after a certain period of time. However, most of the latest garage doors are rust-resistant, but there is always the possibility that the door may start corroding anytime. Removing the rust from garage doors requires a certain set of skills by the owner. In the absence of the important skills and for any confusion, contact the local commercial garage door repair service professional.

Rusting is more noticeable at the door’s bottom, as it is more approachable to snow and rain as well as other corrosive materials such as sand and road salt. The rusting or damaging of garage doors is a long-run process, but if unrepaired for a longer time, it may create more damage.

Here, let’s discuss certain useful tips and steps on repairing rust in the door.

Steps to getting rid of Rust from Garage Door

There are certain useful steps to remove the rust from the garage door and convert it into a brand new garage door. These DIY steps may be helpful to make the door rust-free if applied properly. Let’s discuss step by step process in detail:

Step 1: Removing the Rust from Garage Door

Pick a dry cloth (cotton is better) and soak it in white vinegar. Wipe all the rusted portions with a cloth. The vinegar helps to dissolve the rust by reacting with it. Now, it’s time to scrub the door by using a steel-wool pad. Remember not to leave even a small portion, as a little may even spread to large. A minute of leftover rust may start the oxidation process again after some time and then again it may develop itself.

A specialist from any commercial garage door repair service may help to get rid of the rust from the garage door, even better.

Step 2: Filling all the Holes Completely

In case of any noticeable holes, fill them ultimately with the help of some auto body filler. Some other bonding agent which is ideal for metal may also be helpful. Wait for the filler to dry up completely. Then, take a fine grit paper to sand the affected portion. Now, put sand on the rest of the door too. The next step is to wipe and remove all the dust, if any, use a dry cloth or a brush for the wiping process.

Step 3: Cleaning the Garage Door with Water

Wash the door completely to make it clean from all the leftover grease or dirt. This is an important step before applying paint on the door, as there are chances of bumps on the door without this. Moreover, some good paints don’t stick to grease or dirt. There are two ideal solutions for washing garage doors:

  • Warm water and dish soap
  • Warm water and trisodium phosphate (TSP)

Once the washing part is done thoroughly, rinse the door adequately using a hose. Let it dry completely.

Step 4: Painting the Garage Door

Now, it’s time for priming and painting the door. Always opt for the rust-resistant paint and primer to apply to the garage door. Choose the ones which are specially designed for the metals used in garage doors. Sometimes the manufacturer of the door also recommends a certain type of paint or technique to use for painting. So, always have a check for it.

The team of commercial garage door repair services always comes up with a better solution for making the door rust-free and converting it into brand new.

Contact a Professional for Better Advice

There are many DIYs used for removing rust from the garage doors. Some work for some doors, and some work for others. How the DIY will work also depends on the quality of the door and the duration of rust in the door. In case of any doubt or if DIYs are not working, contact a professional from a commercial garage door repair service in the area. They will be able to provide better advice and approaches to be used.