Thursday, January 16

Get Your Cottage Ready for Summer Holidays

Cottage getaways are making their grand comeback! During these trying times, people have resorted to renting cottages to get away from the stress of everyday life. They have become an excellent investment, and with people turning to nature in these past months, realtors predict their value is only going to increase in the future.

However, owning a cottage can be both a blessing and a curse. Maintaining it regularly is as essential as maintaining your home. If left neglected for too long, it will require some time for it to come back to its pristine state. Luckily, we have compiled a list of items to focus on when taking care of your cottage.

Assess and Repair

First and foremost, you are going to need to assess the damage. Cottages are more fragile than regular houses since they are easily affected by harsh weather conditions. This can lead to roof damage, cracks in wooden structures, leaks, and unwanted guests.

Having estimated the damage, it’s time to do some repairs. Whether you decide to hire a contractor or you’re more of a DIY kind of person, you need to select an appropriate material. Depending on the issue, we highly advise you to go for something versatile that can be used in multiple ways.

Magnesium oxide boards are highly adaptable and can have different purposes depending on your needs. Namely, they can be used for ceiling and roof repairs, as well as a kind of sub-flooring. What’s great is that these boards are builder-friendly and are both fire- and moisture-resistant.

Clear Out the Clutter

Once you’ve done all the necessary repairs, it’s time to get rid of the clutter. We all tend to hoard things we do not need and cottages can sometimes become temporary storage units for all those silly things we’ve accumulated over the years. Throw out everything you do not deem absolutely necessary. Think of it as creating a clear canvas for all of your new ideas.

Don’t be sentimental! We’re pretty sure you won’t use that vase you bought five years ago and you certainly won’t need every single issue of last year’s Vogue. You can organize a good old-fashioned garage sale and buy things your cottage actually needs with the money you earn.

Add Some Spark

Imagine a winter blizzard roaring outside while you and your family snuggle on the couch listening to the crackling of the fireplace. Now that we’ve gotten your attention, you can consider installing a fireplace in your cottage. We’re aware that having one is an unnecessary luxury, but hear us out!

Installing a fireplace can be affordable and will essentially increase the overall value of your cottage. All you need to do is decide on the type as there are several kinds to choose from:

  • A brick fireplace — the most commonly used one on the list;
  • A wood-burning one — can be used during a power outage;
  • A gas fireplace — produces more heat;
  • An electric fireplace — easy to install.

And Then a Fresh Coat of Paint

Now that we’ve got all of the messy and costly elements out of the way, it’s time to turn to simplicity. Adding a fresh coat of paint can transform the look of any room. You can simply refresh the already existing color by adding a thin layer of paint.

If you want your cabin to appear larger and brighter, use light colors like white and eggshell. Moreover, if you want to update your kitchen but you are on a budget, you can simply repaint the cabinets. We promise it will make the world of a difference! If your walls are neutral, the cabinets can be in vivid color like teal and vice versa.

End With a Bang

It’s high time to focus on decorating! You don’t have to invest a lot of money in procuring new pieces — a few additions here and there will suffice. Designers recommend purchasing sturdy furniture that will withstand the test of time. Add comfy blankets and decorative pillows to complete the cozy look.

Manage the atmosphere in your cabin with lighting. Refrain from buying heavily ornamented chandeliers and bright lights. Instead, opt for soft LED lights wherever possible to embrace that hygge feeling all cabins seem to invoke.

Final Thoughts

We hope these tips will be helpful during the renovation process and assist you in creating the cabin of your dreams. Once you’ve crossed off all the items from your checklist, it’s time to step back and enjoy the view.